bits and pieces

Thursday, May 29, 2008 > 1:36 AM

Hello, i'm back. !

I top the class for Math and Bmic.. Hoping OBC too . ^^ Feel great for myself. I hope that my classmates will catch up soon . Dun let them fail term test. Furthermore, term test coming le. Next week .! All the best to all of us .

Lala.. I beginning to have faith ! Is all over me. =D

OK... Gotta do a mission . =.= Thanks Lisa..

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

if your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
erm... i think she wun . Or else, how in the first place will i be with her. OKAY, I think i will meet her to confirm the situation den, break up and cook something nice to survive the night.

if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
to send the time with my beloved in my own garden or do her favourite activities

what will your dream wedding to be like?
in an open area decorated with her favourite flowers with best wishes from family and friends

are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
kinda.. but is alright . my god will plan for me !

what's your ideal lover like?
must be shorter than me . No need to be very pretty nor ugly, just enough to catch my attention all the time. Long hair however short hair oso ok! Not fussy abt it . Thoughtful, considerate, must noe how to do housechores . Cooking can make it jiu ok le..

which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
of course is being loved by someone . Loving someone is quite tough and must have lots of determination . Best will be mutually in love with each other

how long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
when she is ready to accept me or found new targets!

if the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
jealous for a while then say byebye. There will be others better out there that appreciates me.

is there anything that makes you unhappy these days?
currently a lot lar.. rah.. dun bother

is being tagged fun?
depends who tagged you.. HI LISA! THANKS ARH... SUPER LONG QUIZ

how do you see yourself in ten years time?
Hmm.. Hopfully top few chef in Singapore but best will be married to a lady that i love and have a cosy house to live in

who are currently most important people to you?
Family, friends and brothers of different mothers

what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
hmmm... very busy person, likes to eat alot. Fillial , pretty, very dao when u look from far but she very friendly . Nice to talk to . Lame sometimes and last but not least, her cold jokes are not funny de ! (=

would you rather to be single and rich or married but poor?
Married but poor. I rather live a simple life with the lady i love most. But no so poor to the extend that worries about everything when comes to cost

what's the first thing you do every morning?
turn off the phone alarm

would you give all in a relationship?
i will give all after subtracting the time spend with family and work

if you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
choose the closest to the ideal 1 . Mostly likely very hard to fall in love with 2 person . I'm not that flirt .

what type of friends do you like?
Friends that stand by me all the times, considerate ! =D

if given the chance to turn back time, will you?
Secondary 2 . Sec 3 onwrads, full of regrets

what is the last thing you would do before you die?
Hug my girl and later die in her arms

8 ppl to be tagged


Sorry... Lisa's fault. ! XD

Yawn.. Tired arh.!

Sunday, May 25, 2008 > 7:59 PM

Sunday.. So fast . Its ok!

HIHI, guys.. Hmmm... Si Chuan earthquake, indeed shocks me . Life is fragile . may everything be fine !

I'm hungry.. Parents not back yet ! ARGH... I FEEL EMO !


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 > 9:20 PM

Yesterday, anyone saw the moon ?? So round and bright ! I seen it while training on the Track field in TP . I tell you arh !... It made me.. change into.. a werewolf.! Haha.. Guys u should noe wad i mean . (TP = mix school) =D

Today is Wednesday . 4 more days to SUNDAY !


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 > 5:20 PM

I took out another post again. ! haha.. I think is too wierd to post it on blog. Some saw it while others dun ! Those saw it , keep it to yrself la and u are not suppose to use yr computer to surf the net during school hours .!! Must concentrate !

Post more later ! I got to rush to training now . * In school library *


Thursday, May 08, 2008 > 9:00 PM

Yiting: no la, the person is a stranger and i'm on board on a bus after training. ! so, ya ! Bushou but not BO!

Mum's birthday ! I did not do anything 4 her but wanted to treat her satay. Her favourite ! Apparently, she has eaten outside le . Very full . nvm..

I tried emo-ing today, i can't. Maybe i did, but i dunno how it feels.

Emo starts when i was waiting 4 the bus 27 at Tampines Regional Library . I sat down, looking around from 6.30 to 7.15 . In the mean time, 8 buses of 27 left . Every bus was full until finally 1 bus that is rather unusual empty so i boarded it. Thru out the way back, i plucked in my ear pieces and living in my own world * again, shiok * . Listen music and looking the tired faces of the commuters . End .

I dun find anything emo, do you?

I think, i seriously cannot emo. Haha. That is a good thing, i think !

Wednesday, May 07, 2008 > 10:48 PM

I have been thinking 4 so so long , but still i cannot find the answer to it. Does anyone know it??

" If winning isn't everything, why do people keep scoring ? "

If u think this is very familiar, yup, u are right. The advertisement u can find on bus-stops , proudly presented by Tiger Beer . * sounds like promoter kekeke*

I feel so sad tonight, Ming Hui says i hum ji * ballless * . I shall fall into a deep thought tonight .!
Till den~


Tuesday, May 06, 2008 > 11:45 PM

No Pain No Gain, No Gain means u Chao Keng .

Nice right..I love it.. Water Polo....

Jus back from Land training. Legs so whobby . I feel like jelly ! I'm struggling home jus half an hour ago.. *nearly fall down from stairs, dam pai seh *

Ooh.. i remembered something.. I nearly kill someone today.. I swear.. I nearly.. He is suffocating ! I cannot do anything about. I wanted to help him but everytime i moves, he moves . Omg.. Do i really smell so bad ? Dun care u le.. Die bah. ! Bushou Power. !

Kinda late now.. Better study.. I haven finish my lecture notes. Tomorrow haf quiz ! arh........ Die le !

Friday, May 02, 2008 > 4:22 PM

Anyone tried walking slowly in a rushing crowd ?If yes, how is the feeling ?

I tried walking slowly in a rushing crowd on Thrusday, 2/5/08 . I feel that time is moving very slowly, i saw plentiful of beautiful of posters . Children running about with smiles on their face . Trendy clothes and lovely shoes . Music blazing through my ears. Omg, i love living in my own world. Haha.

Caught a movie wif my new found friends, Matt's classmates . Is enjoyable but the movie is boring . I almost slept. Is like spending 10 bucks to sleep in a very poor movie threater . Others more weird, paid 10 bucks to hide behind my jacket !! Dun wan mention name but Jane lar.. Took my jacket . Grrr...

Didn't went to Cherylyn's birthday party.. I feel so sad cause is kinda last minute and promise Matthias i will pei him de.. Man of words mah.

I finally know the meaning of this : She is yr good friend, He is yr Best friend..
I'm so slow. ! Shakehead.

How i wish.. (: